"DiLuminous P.A.I.N.T. Experiment" Digitalni, vizuelni, interaktivni, zvučni i tekstualni eksperiment sa elementima animacije
Show full item recordAuthor:
Novak, ElizabetaFaculty:
Интердисциплинарне студије Универзитета уметностиDate Issued:
Vujić, IvanaCommittee members:
- Vasić, Čedomir
- Ćirić, Rastko
- Pravdić, Ivan
- Davić, Aleksandar
Umetnički projekat "DiLuminous P.A.I.N.T. Experiment" istražuje mogućnosti, ograničenja i prednosti prenošenja u digitalni oblik mojih projekata koji su prvobitno zamišljeni ili izvedeni u analognom obliku i sa kojima je posmatrač mogao da uđe u interakciju.
Projekat je realizovan kao digitalna multimedijalna interaktivna instalacija koju čine video igrice i digitalni printovi, delom na osnovu mojih ranijih radova, mislim prvenstveno na izložbu "Igra promene" iz 1998. i objavljivanu poeziju, a delom na osnovu novih skica i tekstova koji su poslužili kao građa za digitalnu animaciju i digitalni interaktivni rad. Interakcija najšire publike sa radom je ostvarena kroz formu kompjuterskih igara koje dovode posmatrače u poziciju umetnika tako da od ponuđenih elemenata kreiraju sopstveno umetničko delo. Kombinovanjem zadatih celina i traganjem za neobičnim i neočekivanim rešenjima posmatrači ujedno preispituju mogućnosti izražavanja u digitalnim medijima. Eksperimentišući kroz igru sa tekst...ualnim, vizuelnim i/ili zvučnim zapisima nadograđujem moje prethodne projekte i zamisli i ostvarujem svojevrsni dijalog sa umetnicima i delima koja su mi bila uzor u pojedinim fazama razvoja mog umetničkog izraza i koncepata kao i re-enactement istorijskog nasleđa LKO mog oca Kolomana Novaka. Tekst projekta je podeljen u tri celine: O nastajanju ideja za projekat, Opis projekta i Art laboratorija.
U delu O nastajanju ideja za projekat opisujem tok razvoja mojih osnovnih postavki, ciljeva i ideja kroz kratki osvrt na autore sa kojima nalazim dodirne tačke, uzore, podsticaje i izazove.
U delu Opis projekta prikazujem umetnička i tehnička, softverska rešenja nastala u toku realizacije projekta, sam tok istraživanja i kreiranja dela, teorijske, umetničke i tehničke probleme i pitanja nastala tokom rada, procese razmišljanja, sagledavanje i viđenje ideja iz više uglova kao i skice, postavke i nove koncepte koji se mogu realizovati u sledećim projektima.
U delu Art laboratorija u prvom poglavlju predstavljam u obliku tabela odabrane ili zapravo ciljane tekstualne strukture nastale tokom rada na delu projekta DiLuminous P.A.I.N.T. Experiment 0002 – Interaktivni tekst, zatim u sledećem poglavlju opisujem saznanja, otkrića i zaključke proistekle iz istraživanja. U trećem poglavlju pišem opširnije o ličnim interesovanjima i uzorima i u poslednjem poglavlju navodim objašnjenja i definicije najčešće korišćenih pojmova i opise i interpretacije umetničkih pravaca, tehnološke, kinetičke, multimedijalne, ambijentalne, minimalističke, interaktivne, apstraktne i digitalne umetnosti, u okvirima kojih se razvija moj rad i za koje mislim da su povezani i pripadaju zajedničkom širem kontekstu.
The art project "DiLuminous P.A.I.N.T. Experiment" explores the possibilities, limits and the benefits of transferring my own projects into the digital form, originally being designed or created in the analog form, in such a way that they enable the observer to get in interaction with them.
The project was carried out as a digital multimedia interactive installation consisting of video games and digital prints, partly on the basis of my earlier works of art by which I primarily have in mind the exhibition "The Game of Change" that took place in the year 1998 and my published poetry, and partly on the basis of new sketches and texts that served as a material for digital animation and digital interactive work of art. The interaction of the general public with the work is realized in the form of computer games putting the observers into the position of an artist so that they can create their own work of art from the given elements. While combining the entire given set of elements and thr...oughout their search for unusual and unexpected solutions, the observers at the same time examine the possibilities of expression in the digital media. Experimenting through the game with textual, visual and/or sound recordings, I am upgrading my previous projects and ideas thus establishing a unique kind of dialogue with artists and the works of art that were my role models in particular stages of development of my artistic expression and concepts, as well as with reenactment of historical heritage of my father Koloman Novak's LKO. The text of the project is divided into three separate parts: 'About Emerging of Ideas for the Project', 'Project Description' and 'Art Laboratory'.
In section 'About Emerging of Ideas for the Project' I describe the cours of development of my basic settings, goals and ideas making short reference to artists in whom I find common points, role models, incentives and challenges.
In section 'Project description' I am presenting artistic and technical software solutions developed during the project realization, the very course of researching and creating the works of art, theoretical, artistic and technical problems and issues that appeared throughout the process,
thinking processes, perception and seeing ideas from different angles as well as drafts, settings
and new concepts that can be realized in future projects.
In section 'Art Laboratory' in the first chapter I present selected or actually targeted text structures in the form of tables that were created while working on a part of the project DiLuminous PAINT Experiment 0002 - Interactive text. After that, in the next chapter I describe the knowledge, discoveries and conclusions arising from the research. In the third chapter I am exposing in more detail my personal interests and role models whereas in the last chapter I provide explanation and definitions of most frequently used terms and descriptions as well as interpretation of artistic movements, that is, technological, kinetic, multimedia, ambient, minimal, interactive, abstract and digital art, within the framework in which my work is developing and that are, according to my opinion, related and belong to a mutual broader context.