dc.contributor.advisor | Vuksanović, dr Divna | |
dc.contributor.other | Dragićević Šešić, dr Milena | |
dc.contributor.other | Jevtović, dr Zoran | |
dc.contributor.other | Janković, dr Aleksandar | |
dc.contributor.other | Ilić, dr Vlatko | |
dc.creator | Pantić Conić, mr Danijela | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-04-21T07:20:31Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-04-21T07:20:31Z | |
dc.date.submitted | 2023-04-21 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://eteze.arts.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/616 | |
dc.description.abstract | Razvojem medijske kulture, s jedne strane, i potrošačke kulture, s druge, potrošnja postaje ne samo način života, već i vodeća vrednost savremenog zapadnog društva. Sve te predstave i spektakli američkih medija asimilovali su u sebe američku ideologiju i potrošačke snove, počev od najpoznatijeg mita o američkom snu kao višedecenijskog lajt-motiva kapitalističkog društva, preko pop kulture, do američkih brendova, koji se koriste istom ideologijom kao i tzv. „američki san“. Ove medijske predstave integrišu u sebe poznate vrednosti društva na kojima se gradi novija ideologija, tj. nove vrednosti koje, istovremeno, menjaju i društvo i medije. Dekodiranje reklama o američkom snu i američkim brendovima, pokazalo je da se i brendovi i američki san kao metafora uspeha koriste istim modelom komunikacije s jasno definisanom strukturom i njenim elementima, dok semantički pristup samom modelu komunikacije pokazuje da se ovakve medijske predstave mogu čitati na dva nivoa: prvi nivo čitanja, spoljašnju strukturu konstrukta, čine transparentni vizuelni elementi, uglavnom proizvodi i usluge, a drugi nivo čitanja, unutrašnju strukturu, čine kodovi i podkodovi koji otkrivaju suštinu i cilj komunikacije ili, bolje reći, manipulacije. Tako namera komunikacije nije jasno i konkretno predstavljena, već je skrivena iza lakih zabavnih sadržaja koji se svakodnevno plasiraju u reklami u medijima, te je i plan delovanja ovih industrija simbolički, jer američki san biva promovisan posredstvom kreiranja imaginarnih svetova i zabave. Vidno izmanipulisani zabavom, kao „najvećim dobrom“, koje im se nudi od malih nogu, potrošači na tzv. kolektivnom Zapadu i ne slute da su i oni sami roba koja se prodaje u medijskoj industriji i da, poklanjajući svoju pažnju medijima i oglašivačima, zauzvrat dobijaju nove, često imaginarne i veoma diskutabilne vrednosti koje tvore nove potrebe, navike i nove želje pojedinca, kao i javne snove savremenog društva. | en |
dc.description.abstract | With the development of media culture on one hand, and consumer culture on the other, consumption has become not only a way of life but also the leading value of contemporary Western society. American media's images and spectacles have assimilated American ideology and consumer dreams, from the most famous myth of the American Dream as a decades-long leitmotif of capitalist society, to pop culture, to American brands, which use the same ideology as the so-called "American Dream." These media representations integrate the familiar values of society on which a newer ideology is built, i.e. new values that simultaneously change both society and the media. Decoding advertisements about the American Dream and American brands has shown that both brands and the American Dream as a metaphor for success use the same communication model with a clearly defined structure and its elements, while a semantic approach to the communication model itself shows that such media representations can be read at two levels: the first level of reading, the external structure of the construct, consists of transparent visual elements, mainly products and services, and the second level of reading, the internal structure, consists of codes and subcodes that reveal the essence and purpose of communication or, better said, manipulation. Thus, the intention of communication is not clearly and concretely presented, but is hidden behind easy, entertaining content that is regularly disseminated in advertising in the media, and the action plan of these industries is symbolic, because the American Dream is promoted through the creation of imaginary worlds and entertainment. Visibly manipulated by the "greatest good" of entertainment, which is offered to them from a young age, consumers in the so-called collective West do not realize that they themselves are products being sold in the media industry and that, by giving their attention to the media and advertisers, they receive new, often imaginary and highly debatable values that create new needs, habits, and new desires for the individual, as well as public dreams of contemporary society. | en |
dc.language.iso | sc | en |
dc.publisher | Универзитет уметности у Београду, Факултет драмских уметности | sr |
dc.source | Факултет драмских уметности | sr |
dc.subject | mediji, vrednosti, američki san, brend, sreća, sloboda, imidž, identitet. | en |
dc.subject | media, values, American Dream, brand, happiness, freedom, image, identitety. | en |
dc.title.alternative | Creating Values in Contemporary Society: the American Dream in the Media Industry | en |
dc.type | doctoralThesis | en |