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dc.contributor.advisorVuksanović, dr Divna
dc.contributor.otherDragićević Šešić, dr Milena
dc.contributor.otherMilivojević Mađarev, dr Marina
dc.contributor.otherIlić, dr Vlatko
dc.creatorKovačević, Marina
dc.description.abstractPolazeći od dosadašnje naučno i praktično potvrđene, uspešne primene različitih vrsta umetnosti, uključujući i pozorišnu, radi podsticanja procesa socijalne reintegracije osuđenih lica, u radu se razmatra uloga pozorišnih elemenata u (re)socijalizaciji represiranih grupa u kazneno-popravnim zavodima Republike Srbije i daje pregled nekih od najznačajnih teatarskih zatvorskih praksi u svetu i kod nas. Programi usmereni na socijalnu rehabilitaciju prestupnika koji počivaju, kako na pozorišnim elementima, tako i na osnovnim principima restorativne pravde, sve se više primenjuju u kaznenim ustanovama u svetu i u Srbiji. Oni se zasnivaju na stanovištu da se kažnjavanjem ne može u dovoljnoj meri postići suzbijanje kriminaliteta, te da rešavanju tog problema treba pristupiti na nov, penološki način. Jedan od takvih pristupa predstavlja rad sa osuđenim licima na njihovom umetničkom izražavanju, uključujući i pozorišne elemente, ali ujedno prožet i elementima restorativne pravde, koji daju poseban kvalitet i čine ga naročito uspešnim. Imajući to u vidu, u ovom radu se najpre analizira evolucija procesa sankcionisanja prestupnika, počevši od retributivnog pristupa usmerenog isključivo na kažnjavanje i kaznu, preko humanijih, savremenih pristupa orijentisanih ka rehabilitaciji, pa sve do restorativnih predstava, koje se zasnivaju na dijalogu, pomirenju, praštanju i reintegraciji prestupnika i žrtve u zajednicu. Budući da angažovanje osuđenih lica na izražavanju kroz pozorišnu umetnost može predstavljati jedan od metoda restorativne pravde i da može sadržati određene restorativne elemente, nakon definisanja pojma i odlika restorativnog procesa, određuje se restorativna predstava i ističu se ključne dodirne tačke preklapanja ova dva procesa, kroz analizu dosadašnjih umetničkih projekata i pozorišnih predstava, rađenih sa osuđenim licima u svetu i kod nas.en
dc.description.abstractStarting from on record scientific and practically confirmed and successful application of various arts including a theater in order to encourage a process of social reintegration of inmates, the role of theatrical elements in (re) socialization of repressed groups is considered in penitentiaries in the Republic of Serbia and it gives overview of some of the most important theatrical prison practice both worldwide and in our country. Programs focused on social rehabilitation of offenders rest on both theatrical elements and basic principles of restorative justice and are applied more and more in penitentiaries in the world and in our country. They are based on the standpoint that suppression of crime by punishment is not entirely possible. Therefore, this problem should be approached in a new penological manner. Among these approaches is working with inmates on their artistic expression including theatrical elements and elements of restorative justice which give it a special quality and make it especially successful. Bearing that in mind, this work initially analizes evolution of offenders' sanctioning process starting from retributive approach directed exclusively on punishment and penalty, going to more humane contemporary approaches oriented towards rehabilitation and restorative performances based on dialogue, reconciliation, forgiveness and reintegration of offenders and victims into the community. Since engaging inmates to express themselves through theatrical art can present one of the methods of restorative justice and it can contain certain restorative elements and after defining the term and characteristics of restorative process, the restorative performance is determined and matching points of these two processes are stood out via analysis of on record artistic projects and theatrical performances conducted with convicts both worldwide and in our country.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет уметности у Београду, Факултет драмских уметностиsr
dc.sourceФакултет драмских уметностиsr
dc.subjectresocijalizacija, socijalna rehabilitacija, zatvor, kazna, kreativno pisanje, pozorište, restorativnost, pozorišna umetnost, predstavaen
dc.subjectresocialization, social rehabilitation, prison, punishment, creative writing, theater, restorativeness, performance, theatrical arten
dcterms.abstractВуксановић, др Дивна; Драгићевић Шешић, др Милена; Миливојевић Мађарев, др Марина; Илић, др Влатко; Ковачевић, Марина;
dc.contributor.coadvisorMedenica, dr Ivan

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