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dc.contributor.advisorRadulović, dr Ksenija
dc.contributor.otherRapajić, Svetozar
dc.contributor.otherRomčević, dr Nebojša
dc.contributor.otherMedenica, dr Ivan
dc.contributor.otherMilivojević Mađarev, dr Marina
dc.creatorJakšić, Predrag
dc.description.abstractAPSTRAKT U doktorskoj disertaciji dokazujemo hipotezu da je motiv samoubistva ključni motiv u dramaskom stvralaštvu Biljane Srbljanović. Razmatramo pitanja raščaranog sveta i specifičnog dramaturškog postupaka kojim autorka vrši ovo raščaravanje ogoljujući svet junaka svojih drama kao prostor sveta apsurda koji od junaka pravi samoubicu. Osvetljavamo odnos junaka i društvenih organizacija koji deluju u funkciji njegovog samoubistva, kao relevantan za ovaj čin, ali pokazujemo i da sam čin samoubistva junaka nije nepohodan da bi određena drama bila drama o samoubistvu individue ili grupe. Vršimo imenovanje svih vrsta i pojedinačnih motiva samoubistava prisutnih u ovim dramama i klasifikujemo ih po više osnova. Bavimo se analizom dramaturškog građenja motiva samoubistva, uz detaljan prikaz dramaturškog inkorporiranja motiva smrti i samoubistva u samu strukturu -sklop drame. Istražujemo i motiv prevarenog junaka, kao jedan od najvažnijh za razumevanje samoubistva u dramskom opusu Biljane Srbljanović. Pored glavne hipoteze dokazujemo i nekoliko pratećih, između ostalog i te da autorka dramatuškim postupkom izjednačava život junaka i čin samoubistva junaka, izjednačava prostor života i prostor smrti junaka putem motiva groba, te hipotezu da su davanje i oduzimanje života kao činovi i odluke junaka sumbolički istovetni. U istraživanju se bavimo isključivo dramskim tekstom, ne i izvedbama analizovanih drama.en
dc.description.abstractMotif of Suicide in the Dramatic Opus of Biljana Srbljanović (Summary) In the doctoral dissertation, we prove the hypothesis that the motif of suicide is the key motif in dramatic work of Biljana Srbljanović. We consider the issues of the disenchanted world and the specific dramaturgical procedure by which the author performs this disenchantment by exposing the world of the heroes of her plays as a space of the world of absurdity that makes the hero a suicide. We illuminate the relationship between heroes and social organizations that act in the function of his suicide, as relevant for this act, but we also show that the act of suicide of heroes is not necessary for a certain play to be a suicide of an individual or group. We name all types and individual motifs of suicides present in these plays and classify them on several bases. We analyze the dramaturgical construction of the motifs of suicide, with a detailed presentation of the dramaturgical incorporation of the motifs of death and suicide into the very structure - the assembly of the play. We also explore the motif of the deceived hero, as one of the most important for understanding suicide in Biljana Srbljanović's dramatic opus. In addition to the main hypothesis, we prove several accompanying ones, including that the author dramatically equalizes the life of the hero and the act of suicide of the hero, equalizes the space of life and the space of death of the hero through the motif of the grave, and the hypothesis that giving and taking life as acts and decisions of heroes are symbolically identical. In our research, we deal exclusively with dramatic texts, not with performances of analyzed plays.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет уметности у Београду, Факултет драмских уметностиsr
dc.sourceФакултет драмских уметностиsr
dc.subjectKljučne reči: motiv, samoubistvo, Biljana Srbljanović, apsurd, smrt,en
dc.subjectKey words: motif, suicide, Biljana Srbljanović, absurd, death,en
dc.titleMotiv samoubistva u dramskom stvaralaštvu Biljane Srbljanovićen
dcterms.abstractРадуловић, др Ксенија; Рапајић, Светозар; Меденица, др Иван; Миливојевић Мађарев, др Марина; Ромчевић, др Небојша; Јакшић, Предраг;

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