ASIMETRIJA / TRI TERITORIJE LETA - dugometražni igrani film
Приказ свих података о записуДокторанд:
Nešković, MašaФакултет:
Интердисциплинарне студије Универзитета уметностиДатум одбране:
- Veselinović, Dragan
- Šuica, Nikola
Чланови комисије:
- Pravdić, Ivan
- Davić, Aleksandar
- Pavlović, Milivoj
"Asymmetry / Three territories of summer" is an interdisciplinary art project whose
artistic - theoretical research has led to the production of the feature film "Asymmetry",
that I’ve directed and co-written.
This film deals with the decades-long transformation of a love relationship, using three
different couples, each of different age, who seem to share exactly the same destinies.
The puzzle-like story is build using three parallel narratives: innocently romantic story
of children, rebelliously romantic story of youngsters and tiredly romantic story of
adults. These three stories are unrelated at first glance. But as we get to know the
characters better, we intuitively feel that a single love story forms above these three
narratives. These kids could grow up to be these young people, and they could become
this particular middle-aged couple separating. If they did not all live at the same time
and in the same city, they would be each other’s past, present and future.
Asid...e from exploring the disintegration of a love relationship, I wanted to examine the
inevitability of repeating mistakes throughout generations. It may seem that everything
is predetermined, that the power of free will does not exist and that personal and
collective unconscious interweave so much that the matrix of history repeating cannot
be broken. Is that true? In addition to external factors that shape us throughout life, are
there other forces that carry us where we thought we didn't want to be?
"Asymmetry / Three territories of summer" can also be understood as a kind of artistic
mind experiment, aimed at confronting us with questions of stability, that is, multiplicity
of our own identities.
Since I’ve been actively working on this project for the past eight years, when the first
version of the synopsis was written, I’ll try to explain in more detail in this paper my
research process, ideas, artists and philosophers who touched me and inclined me to
look deeper into why I find certain ideas so important. All of them influenced what the
feature film "Asymmetry" is today, when it’s finally completed.