dc.contributor.advisor | Mandic, dr Tijana | |
dc.contributor.other | Škorc, dr Bojana | |
dc.contributor.other | Kešetović, dr Želimir | |
dc.contributor.other | Tenjović, dr Lazar | |
dc.contributor.other | Nikolić, dr Mirjana | |
dc.creator | Lazić, mr Radosav | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-07-15T10:03:37Z | |
dc.date.available | 2019-07-15T10:03:37Z | |
dc.date.submitted | 2019-07-15 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://eteze.arts.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/404 | |
dc.description.abstract | Rad ispituje kreativnost kriznog menadžmenta. Istražuje se spеcifičnost primene kreativnosti u kriznim situacijama.
U krizi uvek postoje delovi koji izmiču preventivnom sagledavanju, samim tim i preventivnim pripremama i planiranim odgovorima. Razlika između planirane i naknadno, u praksi postavljene krizne stvarnosti može da bude drastična. U stresnom, često traumatskom okruženju, sa previše pritisaka i premalo informacija, krizni menadžment (KM) je prinuđen da traži nova ili modifikuje stara rešenja. Rad ispituje kreativnost pod visokim psihofizičkim opterećenjem, kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim metodama.
Ciljevi istraživanja su:
a) ispitivanje specifičnosti nastajanja kreativnog procesa u kriznim situacijama;
b) ukazivanje na mogućnost ovladavanja kreativnim veštinama i njihove upotrebe, tokom krize i visokog stresa;
c) implementacija kreativnih procesa kroz obuku i superviziju menadžera za uspešno upravljanje procesom vođenja i kontrolisanja krize.
Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja navode na zaključak da indukovanje stresa ima nepovoljan uticaj na kreativnost u kriznom menadžmentu, dok celokupan rad ukazuje na mogućnost i potrebu ovladavanja kreativnim veštinama kao, i na mogućnost povećanja stresne adaptabilnosti. | en |
dc.description.abstract | This thesis is exploring creativity in crisis management; specificities of appearance and applicability of creativity in the situations of crisis. In a situation of crisis, we almost always find the elements we do not perceive this leving us without the possibilities of prevention and strategic planning.
The difference of previously planned and crisis momentary reality might be drastic. In the stress or traumatic situation, with enormous pressure and little information the crisis manager is obliged to create new or readjust the previous solutions. In this thesis we explore creativity under high psychophysics pressure, through qualitative and quantitative methods.
The set goal is: research of specificities of appearance of the creative reactions in the crisis situations; exploring the possibilities of overcoming and learning creative skills and possible implementations through training and supervision of the manager for the purpose od effective leading and controlling the crisis.
Based on the empirical research in the field of crisis management, we could conclude that inducing the stress in a testing situation has damaging influence on the creativity. The whole thesis is pointing at the possibility and the need to learn creative skills in crisis management, and the possibilities of amplifying adaptability in stressful situations. | en |
dc.language.iso | sc | en |
dc.publisher | Универзитет уметности у Београду, Факултет драмских уметности | sr |
dc.source | Факултет драмских уметности | sr |
dc.subject | Kreativnost, kriza, krizni menadžment, stres, donošenje odluka | en |
dc.subject | creativity, crisis, crisis manager, stress, making decisions | en |
dc.title | Kreativnost u kriznom menadžmentu | en |
dc.type | doctoralThesis | en |
dcterms.abstract | Мандиц, др Тијана; Шкорц, др Бојана; Тењовић, др Лазар; Николић, др Мирјана; Кешетовић, др Желимир; Лазић, мр Радосав; | |