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dc.contributor.advisorĆirić, Rastko
dc.contributor.otherDavić, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherJovanić, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherDragićević Šešić, Milena
dc.contributor.otherKekeljević, Igor
dc.creatorStamenković, Petar
dc.description.abstractSve na svetu je povezano. Kada želimo da bolje razumemo neki deo sveta, mudro je razmotriti i druge, naizgled nezavisne delove. Ta ideja je prikladno opisana u poznatoj staroindijskoj paraboli o slonu. U njoj se šest slepih ljudi prepire oko izgleda slona. Svaki od šestorice je opipao neki deo slona i zato je bio ubeđen da zna kako izgleda ceo slon. Ta parabola nas upozorava na mnogostruku prirodu istine i opasnost izolovanog izučavanja sveta. Kada se ograničimo i fokusiramo samo na neki deo, možemo da besprekorno opišemo svaku poru na surli, ali da i dalje ne znamo pravi izgled slona. Zbog toga ovaj rad istražuje veoma različite teme: istoriju, religiju, psihologiju, fiziku i tehnologiju, kako bi što pravilnije opisao celu sliku. Cilj ovog rada je da bude razumljiv, zanimljiv, ali i relevantan za praktičan umetnički rad, za propratnu animaciju „Inspirutak“. Ovaj pisani rad je po formi slobodniji i ne prati tradicionalan način izlaganja i konvencionalnu formu naučnih radova. Tekst opisuje značaj percepcije, razmišljanja, lične odgovornosti i manira koje odaberemo da se postavimo prema okolnostima u kojima se nađemo. Naše misli, vera i delanas definišu. Objektivna realnost deluje na nas, ali i mi utičemo na nju. Nismo bespomoćan, pasivan posmatrač, nego aktivni učesnik u oblikovanju stvarnosti. Svako od nas je heroj svoje priče. U bici sa zmajem haosa uspeh zavisi od nas, od našeg stava i puta koji odaberemo. Kroz sedam poglavlja rad objašnjava svaki deo znanja koji je potreban da bi se rad u potpunosti razumeo. Tekst pokazuje kako su otkrića kvantne fizike iznenađujuće slična našim najstarijim pričama i mitovima. Na sličan način kao i stare priče, kvantna mehanika pokazuje kako je svet mesto uokvirenog potencijala, ali na veoma eksplicitan, tehnički način. Ona pokazuje kako se najmanje čestice ponašaju gotovo magično i način kako ih posmatramo utiče na ono što vidimo. Neophodna je svest da svojom pažnjom uokviri potencijal u konkretnu fizičku formu. To je slično magičnom realizmu u koji bih svrstao prateću animaciju, praktičan deo ovog rada. Kako se animacija bavi uklapanjem žive i kompjuterski generisane slike, težio sam da ograničim priču i izvođenje da budu uzemljeni u realnost, ali istovremeno da imaju i fantastičan, magičan element. Kako u trenutku inspiracije, posmatrač može da pokrene kamen sa stola i promeni svet. Zato rad nosi ime „Inspirutak“, kovanicu dve reči: trenutak inspiracije. Percepcija posmatrača transportuje kamen u magičan svet gde vidimo transformaciju i kamena i sveta. Kamen je ovde objekat koji reaguje na maštu posmatrača i menja se kako ga pratimo. Kao i kvantni elementi, kamen se nalazi u talasu potencijala i kreće se u talasima, reagujući na naše posmatranje.en
dc.description.abstractEverything in the world is connected. To better understand any part of the world, it is wise to consider other parts that are seemingly separate. This idea is aptly illuminated in an old Indian parable about an elephant. In it, six blind men argue over the appearance of an elephant. Each blind man examines a different part of the elephant and is convinced that he understands how the elephant really looks. That parable illustrates the multifaceted nature of truth, and warns us of the danger of studying any topic in isolation. While focusing on a single piece, we can describe every pore on the trunk, yet with such singular focus, we ultimately may have no idea of what the elephant actually looks like. This is the reason why this text examines a diverse range of topics: history, religion, psychology, physics and technology. It aims to be comprehensive, interesting, but also relevant to the accompanying animation, “Inspirutak”. This text is free in style and doesn’t conform to the more traditional way of scientific and traditional writing. This work examines the importance of perception, deep thought, personal responsibility and how we choose to respond to the circumstances we are in. Our thoughts, beliefs and actions define us, and objective reality affects us, but we also have some measure of freedom in our response to such objective reality. We are not a helpless and passive observer of reality, but rather an active participant that helps shape reality. Each of us is the hero of our own story. Our success in such story depends on us, our actions, and the way we choose to behave. Through seven chapters, each part of this work examines and relates to the other parts in order to achieve a fuller understanding. This work reveals how the latest discoveries in quantum physics are surprisingly similar to our oldest stories and myths. Like our old accounts, quantum mechanics maintains that the world is a place of bordered potential, but it does so in a very exact, technical manner. It shows how the smallest particles behave in an almost magical way and that the way we observe them, influences what we see. Consciousness molds and shapes potential into a concrete physical form through the application of attention. Similar to magical realism, the accompanying animation uses 3D technology and visual effects to blend live and computer generated images. Visuals are grounded in reality, but at the same time, they have a fantastical and magical element too. Animation shows that the observer can influence change the world in the process in a moment of inspiration. The accompanying animation is called “Inspirutak”, as it is a blend of two words: inspiration (inspiracija) and moment (trenutak). The blend of inspiration and moment show the magical interplay between observer and reality. Closest English translation could be “Inspoment”. Through the act of perceiving, the observer transports the rock featured in “Inspirutak” into a magical realm which transforms both the rock and the physical world. The rock reacts to the imagination of the observer and changes its shape as we follow it. Just like the miniscule elements of quantum physics, the rock is in a wave of potential, and it moves in waves too, reacting to the way it is observed.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет уметности у Београду, Интердисциплинарне студије Универзитета уметностиsr
dc.sourceИнтердисциплинарне студије Универзитета уметностиsr
dc.titleINSPIRUTAK - kratki digitalni animirani filmen
dcterms.abstractЋирић, Растко; Давић, Aлександар; Драгићевић Шешић, Милена; Кекељевић, Игор; Јованић, Aлександра; Стаменковић, Петар;

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