S.U. (Virtuelni umetnički identitet i njegovi realni učinci u kulturi)
doctoral project
Show full item recordAuthor:
Knežević, BojanaFaculty:
Интердисциплинарне студије Универзитета уметностиDate Issued:
- Davić, Aleksandar
- Pravdić, Ivan
Committee members:
- Todorović, Zoran
- Subotić, Irina
- Ćirić, Rastko
Doktorski umetnicki projekat S.U. (Virtuelni umetnicki identitet i njegovi realni
ucinci u kulturi) je procesualni, interaktivni, participativni umetnicki projekat koji se bazira na kreaciji i gradenju virtuelnog umetnickog identiteta, kroz aktivnu (online) interakciju sa posmatracima/cama / konzumentima/kinjama / (sa)ucesnicima/ama – prateci proces transformacije dematerijalizovanog umetnickog objekta – od tekstualnog iskaza u formi oglasa ka njegovoj digitalizaciji i konacnoj „materijalizaciji” u vidu interaktivne audio-vizuelne instalacije, web platforme i S.U. zajednice.
S.U. istražuje relacije izmedu umetnosti – anti-umetnosti – ne-umetnosti i
savremenog advertajzinga, postavljajuci niz pitanja koja preispituju poziciju umetnickog identiteta, status i položaj umetnika/ce u savremenom društvu, granice prostora umetnicke aktivnosti i odnosa umetnicko delo – umetnik/ca – posmatrac/ica. Prateci ideju Jozefa Bojsa o socijalnoj skulpturi i njegovu tezu da svako može biti umetnik.../ca, rad je inspirisan grotesknim kolektivizmom Situacionisticke internacionale, dok se dosledno nadovezuje na tradiciju antiumetnickih intervencija avangarde i neoavangarde, kao i na
kontradiktornu poziciju i razvitak antiumetnosti. Problematizujuci pojam autorstva i originalnosti S.U. subvertira institucionalni sistem umetnosti – S.U. je istovremeno umetnica i kriticki subjekt, angažovani participativni projekat, grupni identitet i advertajzing kampanja i brend.
Projekat se odvija u 7 faza, koje se medusobno nadovezuju, a svaka od njih
zapocinje (novim) javnim pozivom na interakciju: (1) Slatka Konceptualna Umetnica traži posao; (2) Slatka Konceptualna Umetnica traži umetnicke radove; (3) Slatka Konceptualna Umetnica traži podršku; (4) Slatka Konceptualna Umetnica traži razumevanje; (5) Werde Süße Konzeptkünstlerin / Süße Konzeptkünstlerin sucht Videos;(6) Werde Süße Konzeptkünstlerin / Süße Konzeptkünstlerin sucht Unterstützung; (7)Sweet Conceptual Artist website.
Doctoral project S.U. (Virtual artistic identity and its effective impact on culture) is a processual, interactive, participatory art research project, based on creation and construction of a virtual artistic identity through active online interaction with viewers/consumers/participants, who are members of the S.U. virtual community.
The main idea behind the thesis is to monitor and guide the process of transforming a dematerialised art object from its textual advert form to digitalisation and ultimate materialisation as an interactive audio-visual installation and a web platform, the aim being to facilitate communication within the S.U. community.
In the quest for answers to questions related to the general position of artistic identity in contemporary culture, the effective role and status of artists and some of the boundaries of artistic activities in contemporary society, this project explores relations between art, anti-art and non-art, questioning the general relationshi...p between art production, artist and art consumer.
Following the ideas of Joseph Beuys on the social, cultural and political function of art and its potential to shape society, the S.U. plays the role of “social sculptor”, creating a socially engaged group identity, an advertising campaign and brand. She acts as an artist and at the same time as critical subjectivity in a participatory environment, by querying the concept of authorship and originality and openly subverting the institutionalised art establishment.
The project is structured in seven consecutive phases, each with a newly opened invitation for interaction: (1) Sweet Conceptual Artist looking for a job; (2) Sweet Conceptual Artist looking for artworks; (3) Sweet Conceptual Artist looking for support; (4) Sweet Conceptual Artist looking for comprehension; (5) Werde Süße Konzeptkünstlerin / Süße Konzeptkünstlerin sucht Videos; (6) Werde Süße Konzeptkünstlerin / Süße Konzeptkünstlerin sucht Unterstützung; (7) Sweet Conceptual Artist website.