dc.contributor.advisor | Karanović, Branimir | |
dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.other | Ćirić, Rastko | |
dc.contributor.other | Todić, Milanka | |
dc.contributor.other | Vladić, Radoslav | |
dc.contributor.other | Arvanitidis, Aleksandra | |
dc.creator | Klikovac, Luka Lj. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-01-19T10:29:15Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-01-19T10:29:15Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017-05-08 | |
dc.date.issued | | |
dc.date.submitted | 2017-01-19 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://eteze.arts.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/218 | |
dc.description.abstract | Rezime
Doktorski umetnički projekat Memento je formiran u obliku trilogije koja se bavi utvrđivanjem pozicije fotografije u svim fazama njenog nastanka, od snimanja, preko postprodukcije do prijema, kao i bližim odredivanjima njenih karakteristika i mogućnosti. Svaki deo trilogije usmeren je ka određenoj problematici koja je vezana za život. Prvi deo, pod nazivom Memento, bavi se pojmom prolaznosti, kao i ljudskom potrebom za večnom mladošću. U drugom delu, čiji je naziv Ogledalo, fokus je usmeren na ljudsku potrebu za samoprezentacijom koja, uslovljena standardima društva, često biva potpuno lažna. Treći deo, Prtljag, koji kombinuje fotografiju i rendgensku sliku, teži da preispita mogućnost fotografske slike da prikaže istinu, suprotstavljajući površinu fotografisane scene, u slučaju fotografije, u odnosu na unutrašnji, za fotografiju nevidljiv sadržaj u slučaju rendgenske slike.
Bitno je napomenuti da je polje fotografije izuzetno veliko i kompleksno i da bi bilo teško sve njegove aspekte obuhvatiti u jednom radu. Postoji veliki broj fotografskih disciplina, praksi i tehnika koje nije moguće obuhvatiti jednom teorijom.
Ovaj rad teži da izdvoji osnovne odlike fotografije kao tehnike, ali pre svega kao medija, kao i da obradi teme koje su bitne za sagledavanje fotografskog medija i sve detalje vezane za tumačenje fotografije. Fokus rada je na utvrđivanju pozicije fotografije u društvu, njenom odnosu prema pojedincu i zajednici, od same pojave fotografije sredinom devetnaestog, do njene digitalizacije krajem dvadesetog veka, i njenog sve većeg i rasprostranjenijeg uticaja. Teorijski deo ovog rada se takođe bavi i pojmovima stvarnosti i fikcije u fotografiji, a veliki akcenat je stavljen i na međusobni odnos fotografa, dela i posmatrača | Srpski |
dc.description.abstract | Summary
The Memento doctoral art project is created in form of a trilogy dealing with determining a position of photography in all stages of its creation, from shooting, through post-production to reception, as well as with closer defining its possibilities and characteristics. Each part of the trilogy is directed towards a specific life-related issue. The first series, entitled Memento, deals with a concept of transience as well as with the human need for eternal youth. In the second series, named Mirror, the focus is oriented towards the human need for self-presentation which is, being conditioned by social norms and standards, often completely false. The third series, named Baggage, combining photography and radiography, tends to reconsider a capacity of photographic image to show the truth, confronting the surface of photographed scene, in the case of photography, with the inner content which is invisible to photography, in the case of a radiographic image.
It is important to note that the field of photography is extremely large and complex and it would be difficult to include all of its aspects in a single paper. There are many photographic disciplines, practices and techniques that cannot be covered by a single theory. This paper aims to determine the basic characteristics of photography as a technique, especially as a medium, as well as to examine the topics relevant for understanding the photographic medium and all details related to the interpretation of photography. The focus of this paper was to determine a position of photography in the society, its relationship with an individual and the community as a whole, from the emergence of photography in the mid-19th century to its digitalization in the late-20th century, and its increasing and wide-spread impact as well. The theoretical part of this paper also deals with the concepts of the reality and fiction in photography, with a strong emphasis on the relationship between a photographer, a work and an observer. | Engleski |
dc.language.iso | srp | sr |
dc.publisher | Универзитет уметности у Београду, Факултет примењених уметности | sr |
dc.source | Факултет примењених уметности | sr |
dc.subject | digitalno | sr |
dc.subject | digital | Engleski |
dc.subject | fiction | Engleski |
dc.subject | photography | Engleski |
dc.subject | composite image | Engleski |
dc.subject | panorama | Engleski |
dc.subject | perception | Engleski |
dc.subject | portrait | Engleski |
dc.subject | post-production | Engleski |
dc.subject | transience | Engleski |
dc.subject | reality | Engleski |
dc.subject | death | Engleski |
dc.subject | actuality | Engleski |
dc.subject | time | Engleski |
dc.subject | life. | Engleski |
dc.subject | fikcija | sr |
dc.subject | fotografija | sr |
dc.subject | kompozitna slika | sr |
dc.subject | panorama | sr |
dc.subject | percepcija | sr |
dc.subject | portret | sr |
dc.subject | postprodukcija | sr |
dc.subject | prolaznost | sr |
dc.subject | realnost | sr |
dc.subject | smrt | sr |
dc.subject | stvarnost | sr |
dc.subject | vreme | sr |
dc.subject | život. | sr |
dc.title | MEMENTO Vizuelno preispitivanje prolaznosti života | sr |
dc.type | other | en |
dcterms.abstract | Карановић, Бранимир; ; ; ; ; ; Владић, Радослав; Aрванитидис, Aлександра; Ћирић, Растко; Тодић, Миланка; Кликовац, Лука Љ.; МЕМЕНТО Визуелно преиспитивање пролазности живота; МЕМЕНТО Визуелно преиспитивање пролазности живота; | |