Now showing items 1-10 of 172

    3D штампа, уметност, материјализација, моделовање, технологија, Дигитално, аналогно, мултимедиа , интерактивно, Скулптура, Облик, Маса, простор, интеракција, еволуција, нове технологије, Филозофија, логика, традиционално, модерно, савремено. (1)
    actor's speaking skills, dramatic potential, Miloš Crnjanski's language musicality, fragmentary quality, cyclical structure, syntactic particularity, free verse (1)
    automatism, creative process, dreams, incubation, liminality, polymedia art, procrastination, self-discovery, space-time continuum, subconsciousness, time perception, quantum entanglement, waiting (1)
    balance, coexistence, man, plant, nature, artificial worlds (1)
    body, identity, node, portable technology, hologram projection, sculpture (1)
    digital world, information, communication, science, art, machine, letter, animation, tone, audio record (1)
    digitalni, reklamna fotografija, mediji, kultura, vizuali, masovna komunikacija, artificijelno, marketing, advertajzing, savremeno društvo. (1)
    documentary material to screenplay, documentary theatre, methods of acting technique, the role of victim, viewer in the theatre (1)
    dramaturgija, dramaturgija snova, snovi, onirizam, arhetip, simboli, nadrealizam (1)
    Eleusinian Mysteries, life cycle, therapeutic, opera, syncretism in art, Synthesis Theatre, Orfeo ed Euridice, Amor and Persephone, Christof Willibald Gluck (1)