Now showing items 11-20 of 122

    from literary work to drama and workshop work, theater of new education, The Path of the Hero, new Heroes - proposers of new dramatic plots, actors as the main bearers of the play and educators, each spectator as a potentially new Hero, "Idiot" as an occasion for workshop work in creating an authentic new Path of the Hero. (1)
    gyotaku, уметност, графика, техника, синтеза, традиционални, савремени, истраживање, ликовност, експеримент, сликарство, отисак, лист, текстура, риба, Јапан, туш, ручна штампа (1)
    hybridity, identity, boundaries, ephemerality, space, memory, swimming pool, box, screen, self-portrait, multimedia installation, ambience performance (1)
    illustration, animation, installation, projection mapping, creative process, children's creativity, creativity for children (1)
    interactive film, film directing, digital media, decision, patriarchy, partner violence, victim (1)
    Key words: verse interpretation, transformations of voice and motion, ancient tragedy, rhythm, vocals, rhetoric, music. (1)
    Keywords: dramaturgy, dramaturgy of dreams, dreams, oneirism, archetype, symbols, surrealism (1)
    live sound, surround sound, immersive sound, sound design, choral performance, film and theater, influence of sound (1)
    mapping projection, human-machine interaction, interface, PLC, programmable logic controllers, artificial intelligence (1)
    Metatext, body expression, Expressionism, improvisation, non-verbal theatre, choreo-drama, painting, Frida Khalo (1)