Zvuk iz oblaka i metamorfoze umetničkih/tehnoloških paradigmi u društvenoj recepciji zvuka i muzike
докторска дисертација
Приказ свих података о записуДокторанд:
Ančić, IvanaФакултет:
Интердисциплинарне студије Универзитета уметностиДатум одбране:
Marinković, SonjaЧланови комисије:
- Mikić, Vesna
- Tomašević, Katarina
- Leković, Biljana
- Nikolić, Sanela
U doktorskoj disertaciji Zvuk iz oblaka i metamorfoze umetničkih/tehnoloških paradigmi u društvenoj recepciji zvuka i muzike, na primeru oblaka, istražene su i analizirane promene umetničkih paradigmi i praksi nastale usled tehnološkog razvoja, procesa digitalizacije i implementacije novih medija. Rad se fokusira na promenljive kontekste kreacije, produkcije, distribucije, konzumacije i recepcije zvuka i muzike, a poseban fokus istraživanja predstavljaju inovativne umetničke prakse koje se razvijaju paralelno sa tehnološkim razvojem, digitalnom konzumacijom i slušalačkim navikama nasuprot umetničkom iskustvu. Ove metamorfoze su uticale na socijalnu i kulturnu percepciju zvuka i muzike sa različitih aspekata – estetskog, istorijskog i činjeničnog. Cilj disertacije je da prikaže načine na koje je digitalna tehnologija uticala na zvuk i muziku, kao i da analizira neka teorijska pitanja provocirana takvim promenama.
U radu se, pored diskurzivne analize zvuka i predstavljanja novog diskurs...a zvuka, komparativnom analizom upoređuju živa/snimljena muzika, tehnike snimanja i reprodukcije zvuka kroz vekove i različite vrste slušanja (samostalno/regresivno/sveprisutno) kroz adekvatan i relevantan heuristički okvir i brojne koncepte – prozumera, zvučne fikcije, zvučne imaginacije, aparatusa, prodjuzera i prodjuzidža – važne za razumevanje i praćenje procesa transformacije.
Disertacija se sastoji iz pet poglavlja koja kroz interdisciplinarni pristup i iz različitih uglova tumače ne samo smenu paradigme kreiranja, produkcije, distribucije i recepcije zvuka i muzike, već i smenu socioloških i kulturoloških paradigmi i novonastalu konvergenciju kulture kao rezultat pomenutih metamorfoza.
Suštinska priroda današnjih medija i oblak modela – interaktivnost, konvergencija i fenomen umrežavanja bitno su odredili način na koji se zvuk i muzika percipiraju i konzumiraju na početku 21. veka. Predmet rasprave, stoga, obuhvata neke od najsavremenijih teorija i istraživanja iz oblasti medijske kulture, računarstva u oblaku, edukacije i konvergencije kulture i pokrenut je kroz analizu društvenih mreža, muzičkih platformi i savremenih umetničkih praksi.
Široki dijapazon uticaja nove tehnologije na stvaranje, sadržaj muzike i slušalačke prakse, između ostalog, bavi se i proučavanjem najnovijeg trenda ‘korisnički vođene kreacije sadržaja’ (user-led content creation), prakse participativne kulture, hibridnih modela i koncepata (produsage, produser), muzičkih i društvenih platformi i mreža (jutjub, Napster, Spotify, Sound Cloud, fejsbuk, idr), etičnosti i pitanjimapiraterije ‒ sa ciljem potvrđivanja jedne od osnovnih hipoteza da je Oblak entitet, živi organizam u stalnoj promeni. Oblak deluje kao medijum za ličnu i socijalnu transformaciju.
In doctoral dissertation Sound from the cloud and metamorphoses of artistic/technical paradigms in social reception of sound and music, on the example of the cloud, I intended to research and analyze changes of artistic paradigms and practices occurred due to the technological development, digitalization process and implementation of new media. The paper focuses on the changing contexts for the creation, production, distribution, consumption, and reception of sound and music. More specifically, the aim of this study is to investigate innovative artistic practices that are developing parallel with technological development, digital music consumption, and listening habits in contrast to art experience. These metamorphoses impacted artistic practices and systems of production and distribution of sound and music from many different aspects ‒ esthetical, historical and factual. The aim of this dissertation is to focus on the impact that digital technologies have brought upon the musical lan...dscape, as well as to probe some of the theoretical issues that such changes have given rise to.
Sound from the cloud represents a new category of production, distribution, consumption and perception of sound, new sound/cloud discourse. This is the case of sound coming from virtual space, but due to development of new devices and mobile phones it does not require the connection of the consumer to the computer, but it is already connected through web, mobile and omnipresent. Apart from discoursive analyses of sound and representation of new sound doscourse, this paper tends to contrast, through comparative analyses, live/recorded music, techniques of sound recording and reproduction through the history and different listening practices (solitary/regressive/ubiqutous) through adequate and relevant heuristic framework and numerous concepts ‒ prosumer, sound fiction, sound imagination, apparatus, produser, and produsage ‒ important for understanding and tracking of the transformational process.
Dissertation consists of five chapters which, through an interdisciplinary approach and from different perspectives, explain not only the shift of the paradigme of creation, production, distribution and reception of sound and music, but also the shift of socio-cultural paradigmes and new developed convergence culture as a result of above mentioned metamorphoses.
The essence of todays media and cloud model ‒ interactivity, convergency, and network phenomena have made an enormous impact on the way sound and music are perceived and consumed at the beginning of 21. century. Therefore, framework for discussion includes some of the latest theories and researches in the field of media culture, cloud computing, education and convergence culture studies, implemented through analyses of social networks, music platforms, and contemporary artistic practices.
Apart from a vast range of influences and impacts that new technology has on creation, content of music, and listening practices, it also investigates the newest trend of user-led content creation, parcipatory culture practices, hybride models and concepts (produsage, produser), musical and social platforms and networks (YouTube, Napster, Spotify, Sound Cloud, Facebook, etc.), and deals with the ethics and questions of piracy in order to confirm one of my main hypothesis ‒ Cloud is an entity, a living organism in an everlasting change. Cloud acts as a medium for personal and social transformation.